This document explains the structure of examiner
and question files. The basic principle is that certain headings are
“magic” in that examiner
will interpret what follows as
field values for quiz and question objects in the Canvas API or WISEflow
JSON format.
The question format was originally borrowed from
, the R package for the R/exams project. See, for example,
its introductory
vs exams
Compared to exams
, examiner
supports more
question types and export to the WISEflow exam system. However,
targets a much wider selection of learning management
systems for output.
For Canvas, examiner
uses the Canvas API rather than QTI
(question and
test interoperability) export files. This is mostly because the
learning management systems have notoriously spotty support for the QTI
format and do not provide verifiable examples of all question types and
features. With examiner, you can use the xhtml_features
template to verify what HTML elements you have at your disposal, and see
that they do indeed work for you too:
File > New file > R markdown > From template > xhtml_features
Plain text vs HTML
It is important to be aware that some parts of a question are limited
to plain text. For example, the answer options in a dropdown question
must be plain text, whereas the answer options in a multiple choice
question can be HTML. The parts that do offer HTML let you include any
element which is part of the QTI specification. For more details, see
the xhtml_features
template mentioned above.
Quiz files
The main body of the quiz Rmd file becomes the quiz’s description, i.e. the introductory text shown to students before they start.
The YAML header of a quiz file needs to set
to one of the examiner output formats.
Furthermore, the YAML header fields questions
needs to
specify a list of Rmd file names for the question files, like so:
title: "An example quiz"
output_format: examiner::canvas
- first_question.Rmd
- second_question.Rmd
This will work for examiner::wiseflow
output too.
For Canvas output only, a field called
can be used to specify additional quiz
properties as specified in the Quizzes
API docs.
For example, the following specifies the parameters documented as
and quiz[allowed_attempts]
(Note that you should not include the quiz[...]
Study the API docs for details on what parameters and values are
title: "An example quiz"
output_format: examiner::canvas
- first_question.Rmd
- second_question.Rmd
quiz_type: practice_quiz
allowed_attempts: -1
Question files
As I implemented question types beyond those supported by
, I invented new conventions as I went along, for
example how to define student feedback for each specific answer
The pieces of a question are parsed from the HTML produced by
rmarkdown::render(output_format = "html_fragment")
. Thus,
it does not matter if you use # Question
or “Question”
underlined with ========
to create the level 1 Question
(minimal template)
The following headings are mandatory:
# Question
: Level 1 heading. Everything between there and Answerlist becomes the statement of the question, often called the “stimulus”. This can be HTML, which allows for images, video, math, and more.## Answerlist
: Level 2 heading under Question. The content under this heading must be a bulleted list. Each item defines an answer option and can be HTMl.-
# Meta-information
: Level 1 heading. This contains one or more lines of plain text in a format adopted fromlibrary(exams)
. For example:extype: multiple_choice_question exsolution: 100 expoints: 3
This specifies that the question type is multiple choice, that the first of the three answer options is the correct one, and that the question is worth three points (default 1 point).
I slightly regret adopting this convention because it does not play nice with RStudio’s “canonical markdown” syntax, which will run the lines together. Also, the “ex”-everything syntax is clunky. But for now it’s what I have.
Here is the multiple_choice_question
template available
File > New file > R markdown > From template
Note: There can be more than one correct answer to a multiple choice question.
This lets you mix in survey-like questions like “What operating
system do you use”, awarding points to Windows, Mac and Linux alike.
Very useful for getting to know your audience. Importantly, you
must use the API (e.g. via library(examiner)
) to
set multiple correct answers. Editing such a question with the GUI will
keep only the first correct answer as correct.
(showcasing student-specific
Below is the “multiple_choice_question
with feedback”
template available from
File > New file > R markdown > From template
. It
showcases the optional features for student-specific feedback. It also
includes an explanation of the format before the Question header.
Note: All auto-scored question types can utilize
, incorrect_comments
This format is exactly like multiple choice question. The display is different in that students can tick more than one answer option.
= Fill In the Blank
Each Question/Answerlist item defines an accepted answer. A student who answers with any of those will score.
Optional Solution/Answerlist items specify feedback per answer.
= Fill In Multiple
The “blanks” placeholders are marked in the question text by square brackets, and the name within the brackets identifies each placeholder.
So, the structure of each Answerlist item below is:
- name of placeholder
- accepted answer written by student
- feedback if this is the student’s answer
- accepted answer written by student
= Multiple Dropdowns
Placeholders are marked in the question tekst as in the previous question type.
The exsolution
meta-information states which answer
alternatives are correct, using a string of zeros (incorrect), ones
(correct), and spaces (separating placeholders). For example,
100 101
means that for placeholder 1 its first alternative
is correct, while for placeholder 2 its first and third alternatives are
both correct.
The structure of each Answerlist item is:
- name of placeholder 1
- possible answer 1.1
- feedback if answer 1.1 is chosen
- possible answer 1.2
- feedback if answer 1.2 is chosen
- etc
- possible answer 1.1
- name of placeholder 2
- possible answer 2.1
- feedback if answer 2.1 is chosen
- etc
- possible answer 2.1
= Matching
The structure of each Answerlist item is:
- text of left side item 1
- matching right side item
- feedback if left side item is incorrectly matched
- matching right side item
- text of left side item 2
- matching right side item
- feedback if left side item is incorrectly matched
- matching right side item
- etc
- DISTRACTORS (literally the text “DISTRACTORS”)
- right side item which matches nothing
- another right side item which matches nothing
- etc
= Numerical Answer
An Answerlist item defines a correct answer. There can be more than one correct answer.
A correct answer can be specified as “exact”, “range” or “precision”. In the example below, the first two are “exact”, the third is a “range” (inclusive), the fourth is “exact” but with an accepted margin, and the fifth is “precision” with two significant digits.
will export a numerical_question
to WISEflow as a “Fill in maths” question with a single response
placeholder below the question text.
Canvas “precision” is buggy!
Unfortunately, the Canvas implementation of “precision” is buggy: It does a character-based comparison of the significant digits.
So if you ask for an answer of 3/7 = 0.4285714…, 0.43 will not be accepted, because the “3” differs from the “2” in the string representation. To add insult to injury, Canvas will inform you that you should indeed have answered 0.43 [sic]:
A workaround is to construct a range answer allowing for roundoff error. I usually also include the exact answer for feedback.
So, the Answerlist might look like this:
* `r 3/7`
* `r round(3/7, 2) - 0.005` - `r round(3/7, 2) + 0.005`
rendering as
* 0.4285714
* 0.425 - 0.435
and giving helpful feedback:
≈ Fill in maths
This is a WISEflow-only format which is like
, but with multiple placeholders. Such
questions are not possible in Canvas Classic Quizzes. On the other hand,
WISEflow offers many other kinds of math questions which are not
supported by examiner
For now, only a single answer can be specified for each placeholder, but they can be exact, range, with margin, or precision. (The latter two are implemented as a corresponding range answer.)
The Answerlist must specify the placeholders in order of appearance.
“Precision” is implemented differently than Canvas:
- Round the “correct” answer to the desired number of significant
digits using
. - Add a tolerance of plus/minus half a digit at that position.
This can be tricky to wrap your head around. Make sure to test, and maybe the illustration below is helpful.
Also be aware that R prints with a limited number of decimal places, which may differ from the Console to code chunks to inline R code in R Markdown documents.
= Essay Question
An essay question does not have a fixed answer and therefore has no Answerlist.
You might still use a # Solution
section to provide
feedback to students after they submit the quiz by having a
## neutral_comments
= File Upload Question
An file upload question cannot be auto-scored and therefore has no Answerlist.
You might still use a # Solution
section to provide
feedback to students after they submit the quiz by having a
## neutral_comments
= Text (no question)
The Question section will be shown to students for information purposes. There is no way to respond.
= True/False
This question type is not implemented in examiner
, as
you can easily achieve the same with a
= Formula Question
This question type, offering randomized numerical exercises, is not
implemented in examiner
You can achieve a similar effect by using random text or numbers in
your Rmd question files and including the same question file multiple
times in the questions
list in the YAML header, or making a
question bank.