Converting a WISEflow export to examiner files
If you have existing questions in WISEflow, examiner
comes with an RStudio addin to generate question files and an
quiz file.
Features and limitations
- Converts a WISEflow JSON file to a directory with one quiz file and one Rmd file per question.
- Only works with multiple choice questions!
- Works with JSON files containing items from content banks, or assignments. (Currently only one assignment per JSON file is supported.)
- HTML content is converted to Markdown. Mathematical equations work.
- Images on WISEflow servers or in data URIs will be downloaded locally.
Export from WISEflow
The export function in WISEflow can be tricky to find. Here we walk you through the process for an Assignment; the steps are similar for content bank items.
- Visit your list of Assignments. (If you are not already logged in, you may need to log in and follow the link again.)
- Click the gear icon ⚙ (Manage assignments) next to the “New assignment” button.
- At right are checkboxes to select which assignments you wish to export. If you don’t see the checkboxes, scroll down to find a horizontal scrollbar, use it to scroll right, and then check the assignment you wish to export.
- Now you can click the “cloud with down arrow” (Export) icon to the far right of the “Import assignments”. Save the resulting JSON file.
Converting to examiner
Click “Addins” in the toolbar at the top of RStudio. Locate the “EXAMINER” section and click “WISEflow JSON to examiner Rmd”. Browse for your JSON file, modify the output diretory name if you like, and click Start. After a little while, a progress bar should appear. Eventually, a quiz file should open, and the question files that it references will be saved alongside it and any downloaded images. Try knitting the quiz file.
(The progress bar part of the gif is sped up 8-)