Create a WISEflow assignment based on a quiz Rmd file using library(examiner).
This R markdown "output format" creates a WISEflow import file based on the currently active Rmd file.
The body of the quiz file becomes the "information page" of the assignment,
and one question gets added to the assignment based on each question file specified in the questions
field in the YAML header.
See Details for alternative ways to specify sections (called "items" in WISEflow) and questions.
To use this output format, specify output: examiner::wiseflow
at the top level of the quiz file's YAML header.
Output format object created by rmarkdown::output_format()
The questions
field in the YAML header of the quiz Rmd file can have either of two formats:
First section:
- question_one.Rmd
- question_two.Rmd
Second section:
- question_three.Rmd
In the bottom example, "items" will be created titled "First section" and "Second section". In the top example, a dummy item titled "Item 1" will contain the questions.