Knit multiple question Rmds into a single html report for quick review
This function lets you quickly check that all question Rmd files work as intended. It is a faster alternative to actually adding questions to a WISEflow assignment or Canvas quiz. In an interactive session it will open the report in a web browser.
- rmds
Either a character vector of one Rmd file name per question, or a named list of character vectors, where the top-level names represent WISEflow sections. (Canvas does not have sections within quizzes.)
- filename
Name of the HTML file compiling the rendered question documents.
- description
Optional description text for quiz, shown at the top of the quiz.
Rmd files that fail to knit are represented by an eye-catching error notification. Your next step is the usually to open the Rmd file and try to knit it separately, to figure out what's going wrong.
For speed and small size, questions are rendered with minimal theming.
(rmarkdown::render(input, output_format = "html_fragment")
To support math rendering, JavaScript for MathJax is included.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
rmds <- system.file(c("multiple_choice_question.Rmd",
package = "examiner")
rmds_list <- list("First section" = rmds,
"Second section" = system.file("xhtml-features.Rmd", package = "examiner"))
} # }