1 Today’s learning goals

The hyperlinks point to reference literature.

  • Get started with R and RStudio. HOPR: Installing R and RStudio, The very basics
  • Make R scripts, edit them and run R code. (HOPR)
  • Basic knowledge of R data types. (HOPR)
  • Basic knowledge of vectors.
  • How to use some operators.
  • Learn how to install R packages. (HOPR)

2 Getting started

This first part is not about programming, but to get the tools needed, and some first insight in how to use them.

2.1 Install R and RStudio

Follow these instructions.

2.1.1 ÆØÅ trouble on Mac?

Some Mac users experience this error message at startup:

Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"

They also experience R printing strange characters instead of æøå. Many have been helped by this witchcraft:

In the RStudio Console (where the > prompt awaits your command), run

system("defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8")

Restart RStudio, and hopefully the error message will be gone.

2.2 Files and folders

Whenever we run R on our computer, it runs inside a folder (=directory). We refer to this as the working directory. We can easily change this during an R session, as we will see later. Anyway, all files and folders are always located relative to this Working Directory in R. Thus, we need to be aware of this Working Directory.

All computers, regardless of operating system, have a file tree, where all files and folders are organized in a hierarchy. On modern laptops the file tree is hidden behind a graphical display and you may not have any idea of where files are actually located. When we start using a computer for computing we need this insight.

2.3 Exercise - make a STIN300 folder for this course

Make a new folder named STIN300 on your computer that you will use as the default working directory for R during this course. You can in principle make this folder anywhere you like, but make certain you know exactly where it is in the file tree! For convenience it is a good idea to put it fairly close to the top if your file tree. Regarding names of folders and files, there are some ‘rules’ that we should always keep in mind:

  • Never ever make folder names with spaces inside, like STIN 300. Add an underscore if you want to separate words in the name (e.g. STIN_300).
  • Never use the non-English letters like æ, ø and å.

Most computers will allow you to make such names, but it is a hassle once we start programming. The exact same rules also apply when creating objects in R.

2.4 RStudio basics

Start RStudio. In this course we will not devote much time to the software RStudio as such, but we will pick up some insight as we go along. RStudio is our workplace when working with R, and we need some minimum insight. The RStudio workplace is split into \(2\times 2\) panes. Below is an example of how it looks when I am creating this document (which is R Markdown produced in RStudio).

Figure 1. A screenshot of RStudio
Figure 1. A screenshot of RStudio

Each of the panes can have a set of windows. Let us have a brief look at the most important windows of RStudio. Here they are presented, more or less in the order of importance to us in this course:

2.4.1 The Source window

This is our text editor. Here is where we type and edit our programs, and the vast majority of time is spent in this window. It also has some buttons etc in its header that we will look at as we proceed.

Make yourself a document where you can take free-text notes: File > New File > Text file. Here you can take notes from the rest of this lesson.

2.4.2 The Console window

This is the R command line, and we may type commands directly in here. However, we rarely do this, we instead type all code in a file in our Source window (see above), and then execute that file. The Console is where we get output from our programs, if they produce some text output.

2.4.3 The Environment window

This keeps track of all R objects that exists in R memory at any time. Here we can see what objects are available, their size and type, and we may inspect them in the viewer, as we will see shortly.

2.4.4 The Files window

This lists the content of some folder on our computer, typically the Working Directory unless we have moved somewhere else. We can do most file operations from inside this window, and we do not need to leave RStudio to copy, delete or move files around.

The other windows we will get to know as we go along.

2.5 Exercise - edit the Pane layout and Default Working Directory

You may have a look at this short video on how to configure RStudio.

  • Change the Default Working Directory to your STIN300 folder.
  • Change the Pane Layout according to your preferences, make certain the four windows mentioned above are in separate panes

After this, quit RStudio and re-start. In the header of the Console window is listed the current Working Directory. Verify this is according to your settings. Push the ‘arrow’ in the header of the Console window, and you should be taken to the File-window, displaying the content of this folder.

2.6 Exercise - modify some RStudio options to avoid a few pitfalls

If you just want to get going, follow the menu choices below and make sure the red-marked settings are as shown. Explanation follows below for those interested.

2.7 Tools > Global options…


Do not save/load .RData. R and RStudio offer to save your variables to a file called .RData when you exit R, and load them again the next time you start R. This is usually more confusing than helpful. (If you wish to save the result of time-consuming computations, you should do it yourself using e.g. save().)

  • The Environment pane gets crowded and unwieldy if all old variables accumulate there.
  • If you create variables with the same name as R functions you need later, you may get confusing errors that only you experience.
  • If you create a big dataset by accident, RStudio can take a long time to start/end due to the automatic loading and saving.

Use the same newline character on Windows as on Mac og Linux. Historically, these operating systems encoded line breaks in three different ways. R, however, is cross-platform, and it’s nice to have things behave the same.

Use the international character set UTF-8 in all text files. This ensures that æøå displays correctly, and also other scripts such as ひらがな og 漢字.

3 Some important phrases

Before we actually start programming, there are some words and phrases that need some explanation. These are data structures, data types and operators. Here is a short guide to what they mean:

3.1 Data types

This is the type of data we are handling. We need to distinguish between data types for several reasons. Some operations are only valid for numbers, some only for texts, etc. Below we list the three basic data types we meet right away when we start R programming.

3.1.1 Numbers

In most cases we handle data as numbers. In R we meet two data types for numbers. The first is numeric, and all decimal numbers are of this type, e.g 3.14. This is also sometimes referred to as a double (dbl). The other data type for numbers is integer, e.g. 10. R is not fussy about the distinction between numeric and integer, and we will not be either. Think of them both as numbers!

3.1.2 Text, also known as “strings” or “characters”

The next common data type is character. All texts are of type character.

3.1.3 Logicals

The third common data type is logical. This can only take two values, either TRUE or FALSE. This data type is found in all programming languages, and we will see them a lot. If we make some kind of comparison in our programs, the result of this is always a logical.

There are other data types in R, we will see some of them later.

3.2 Data structures

A data structure is simply the way data are organized in R memory. We will later today see the most common data structures in R, a vector.

Data stored in a vector are simply lined up after each other, as in a series. This is a very basic data structure. It is also referred to as an array, but in R we denote it a vector. We will see other data structures later, e.g. tables and lists.

3.3 Operators

Operators are symbols with special meaning, e.g. the sign + means ‘plus’, and is used to add two numbers (either numeric or integer). We will meet the first operators today, but more will be encountered over the next three weeks.

4 First programs

Time to start using R!

4.1 Scripting and R objects

Let us immediately make an R script where we have two R objects storing the height and the radius of some cylinder. Using these values, the code should then compute the volume of the cylinder, and print out the answer. Here is the ‘answer’:

height <- 15  # height in cm
radius <- 3   # radius in cm
volume <- pi * radius^2 * height
## [1] 424.115

Notice that R automatically prints the value of an expression that is not assigned to a variable. This is called “implicit printing”. (Implicit printing does not happen within functions or loops.)

Here is a short video that takes you through this, and where we also look at some RStudio basics as we go along.

Let us reflect upon what we did. An R script is simply a text file with R code in it. It should always end with the extension .R. When we execute, or source, a script, the code-lines are executed from the top down, one by one. Actually, we could have copied them into the Console window and executed them one by one and got the exact same result. The idea of having it in a script is of course that we can re-run the code any time, and we can easily edit it. Commands executed in the Console are not stored (well, if you inspect the History window you will see this is not entirely TRUE…;)

We create R objects simply by naming them and assign some value to them. The assignment operator in R is the ‘arrow’ <-. You can also use the =, but there is a convention of using the arrow. The = operator is used for assigning values to function arguments, as we will see later. What is an R object? Think of it as a location in the computer memory where some data has been stored. The location has a name, it stores some data type and it has some value. All programming is about creating and manipulating such objects! In the Environment window we see all this listed (select Grid view instead of List view in the window header).

Notice the comment symbol #. Everything we write after the # is not interpreted by R, and we may write anything we want. We use this to add comments to our code.

When we are building programs, we do it step-by-step. Make it a habit to follow this procedure:

  • Add some comments about what to do, and possibly how to do it.
  • Add a small amount of code.
  • Save the script file!
  • Source (run) the code, and see if it works.
  • If not, try to correct the error.
  • When everything looks fine, return to the top, and add more code.

Let us extend the previous exercise…

4.2 Exercise - more cylinders

Add an R object containing the text "Cylinder volume =" and print the result, using the command cat():

height <- 15  # height in cm
radius <- 3   # radius in cm
volume <- pi * radius^2 * height
txt <- "Cylinder volume ="
cat(txt, volume, "\n")

HINT: To find help on the command cat(), try to google with this search-phrase:

stackoverflow how to use cat in R

Actually, the website Stack Overflow is a goldmine for learning R (and most other programming languages).

Here is another short video on how we can solve this.

4.3 Reassignment

Before we end our first scripting, just a word of caution. In R we can re-assign values and data type to existing objects at any time, and this does not produce any warning or error. Here is a short code that demonstrates this:

height <- 15  # height in cm
radius <- 3   # radius in cm
#...many lines of code here...
height <- "large"

Run this code line-by-line (use the Run-button).

The object height first contains a number, but then it is re-assigned to contain a text. If you proceed trying to compute the volume, assuming height is numerical, the program crashes. How can we guard against this? First, using good object names, not silly names like x and y, but meaningful names, makes it less probable you accidentally re-use object names. Next, instead of having huge scripts, we build functions, which we will talk more about later. In functions we can re-use names used in other functions without problems.

5 Vectors

The vector is the most basic data structure in R. In fact, we have already used it! The R objects we created above were all vectors.

A vector is a linear structure of data. Above we created a vector named height and filled it with 1 value. That is OK, but a vector we can have as many values as our computer memory allows. We can draw an image of a vector like this:

Figure 2. Visualization of a vector in R. Each cell can contain some data. The number below each cell is the index of each cell.
Figure 2. Visualization of a vector in R. Each cell can contain some data. The number below each cell is the index of each cell.

There is one fundamental rule for vector in R: In a vector there can only be data of one data type. In the figure above this is indicated by all cells having the same color.

This means that all elements in the vector must be of the same type, i.e. either all are numbers, all are texts, etc. If you want to mix data of different types, you must use a list, which we will talk about later. Since vectors have this restriction, they are extremely fast to operate on. If speed is important, try to keep data in vectors.

5.1 Creating vectors

Here are some basic ways of creating vectors that we make use of from time to time

  • Manually type in values: names <- c("Lars", "Jon Olav", "Torgeir"). Notice we write c() and inside the parentheses we list the elements separated by commas.
  • Series of integers: numbers <- 1:10. The R object numbers becomes a vector with the numbers 1,2,…,10.
  • Sequence of any kind: heights <- seq(from = 0.1, to = 100, by = 0.1). Type ?seq in the Console window, and read the Help-file for seq(). All R functions (commands) have a Help-file that you find by typing ? followed by the function name, in the Console.

We will see more ways to create vectors later. The command c() is what we also use if we want to combine two already existing vectors into one new, e.g. we could have written c(numbers, heights) and ‘glued’ the vectors numbers and heights into one long vector. Note that this is fine since both vectors contain numbers, remember: a vector can only contain one single data type. You can never combine a vector with numbers and a vector with texts into a single vector (without something being destroyed/changed).

5.2 Special characters

R and R Markdown (which we’ll see shortly) use several symbols that you may never have used before. Check that you know how to type all of the following:

  • [] square brackets, used to index vectors, e.g. x[10] and to specify R Markdown chunk options.
  • {} curly brackets, used to group multiple statements, e.g. in loops and functions, see day 8.
  • ` backtick:
    • Single backticks allow you to use “non-syntactic” variable names: `fancy variable` <- 42
    • Single backticks in R Markdown marks text as code.
    • Triple backticks in R Markdown delineates a code chunk.
  • ^ the caret, used for exponentiation: 2^5.
  • ~ the tilde, used to specify statistical models, e.g. y ~ x, to denote your “home directory” on Mac and Linux, and for various Tidyverse black magic.
  • $ dollar sign, used for indexing list elements and object attributes.
  • # hash sign, used for comments in R code and headings in R Markdown.
  • \ backslash: used in strings to write some special characters such as the tab \t and the newline \n. To put an actual backslash in a string, “escape” it with another backslash: cat("\\").
  • F1: if your cursor is inside a word in R code, F1 will bring up Help on that word.
    On many laptops, the F1 key also has other uses, such as turning sound on/off or putting the computer to sleep. In that case, there is often an Fn key that toggles what the key should do.
  • |: Logical OR operator.

How you type these depends on your operating system (Windows/Mac/Linux) and keyboard layout.

Here are my notes; please email about anything missing:

Norwegian Windows:

  • {[]} are AltGr + 7890.
  • Backtick is a “dead key”: Nothing is shown until you type a character it applies to (in our case, a Space).
    • While holding Shift, press and release the key to the right of the plus sign.
    • Release Shift and press Space. (Or a vowel to get a grave accent, e.g. à.)
  • The caret works the same, but with the key to the right of Å.
  • The tilde is similar, but different:
    • While holding AltGr, press and release the key to the right of the plus sign.
    • Release AltGr and press Space. (Or “n” if you want to type ñ, etc.)

Norwegian Mac:

  • Caret ^ is Shift + ˆ followed by Enter. (The tiny caret-like symbol is called a combining circumflex accent, I think.)
  • [ is Option + 8.
  • | is Option + 7.

5.3 Indexing

The brackets [ and ] have a special meaning in R: They are used to index or subset some data structure, which means we select a subset of the data in some data structure.

Assume we want to do something to element number 3 in a vector named heights. Could be we would like to copy that value to some other R object, or perhaps change that value. By using the notation heights[3] we refer to element number 3 in the vector named heights. Note: It is not the element whose value is 3, it is element number 3, counted from the start, see Figure 2 above. The first element in a vector is element number 1 (and not number 0 as in some other languages).

We can index many elements in a go, e.g. if we write heights[1:5] it means we refer to the vector consisting of elements 1 up to 5 in heights.

5.4 Exercise - indexing a vector

Create a vector x consisting of the integers from 10 to 20. Copy elements number 2 to 4 from x to a new vector named y. Copy elements 10 to 15 from x to another new vector z. Copy and fill in the gaps:

x <- ____
y <- ____
__ <- x[____]

Source the code, and inspect all three vectors. What happens, and why?

Well, here you should see the value NA for the first time. It is short for Not Available, and indicates elements without content. We will see NAs quite often in R, mot typically if we read in a table of data, and there are cells without content. These will typically be filled with a NA. Think of it as missing data.

The reason we see NAs above is that we try to access elements who are not there. There are no elements number 12, 13, 14 and 15 in x, it has only 11 elements. Unlike some other programming languages, R does not give you an error here, but fills z with NAs.

5.5 Length and names

How can we find the length of a vector?

The length is simply the number of elements in the vector, and of course we can see that in the Environment. But, what if we want to use this in our code somewhere? Then we use length():

x <- 5:1
n <- length(x)    # number of elements in x

If we want to copy the last element in x, we need to know its length, and then index with this. For those familiar with Python, the following example is extra important:

a <- x[length(x)]   # what is copied here?
b <- x[-1]          # what is copied here?

Have a look at the result, and learn.

Each element in a vector may have a name! This means we add a (short) text as a ‘tag’ to each element:

named.vector <- c(Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Friday = 5)

Note that the vector is numeric because the actual content are numbers (1,2, and 5). The names are not part of the vector itself, they are just some additional information.

You can use the function names() to both give names to or copy names from a named vectors, read its Help-file by typing ?names in the Console.

5.6 Exercise - more vectors

Make a vector weekdays containing the weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). Make another R object called weekend, and copy the weekend days to this. Reverse the order of the elements in weekdays. Hint: Create a vector of integers from 7 to 1, and use this to index. Copy, and fill in the gaps

weekdays <- __"Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"__
weekend <- weekdays[____]
index.vector <- ____
week.reversed <- ____

6 Basic operators

6.1 Arithmetic operators

We have already seen some basic arithmetic operators in use above: multiplication and power. Here they are all listed:

  • Plus x + y
  • Minus x - y
  • Multiplication x * y
  • Division x / y
  • Power x^y

Note: the blank around the operators (except the last one) are not required, but it is a convention in R. In general, R is very liberal with spaces in the code. Learn more about code-conventions in the homework exercises.

6.2 Relational operators

In R we also have all the common relational operators that we use to compare objects:

  • Smaller than x < y
  • Larger than x > y
  • Smaller than or equal x <= y
  • Larger than or equal x >= y
  • Equality x == y
  • Not equal x != y

Note the huge difference between x == y and x = y! The first is a comparison, we test if the content of x and y is identical. The outcome of this is either TRUE or FALSE. The latter is a assignment, where we copy the value(s) of y into the object x. This is the same as x <- y, and is one reason why we always recommend using the arrow <- as the assignment operator. It is a very common mistake to use == instead of = or vice versa!

Comparisons are typically used for data of either type numeric or integer, but they also work for texts! Try out "a" < "b" etc. to see how these operators work for texts.

All comparisons produce a logical as a result, regardless of what is compared. This is how data of type logical are being produced, we rarely create them explicitly.

6.3 Exercise - operator precedence

Operators have the same precedence in R as in any other software that do calculations. First, compute manually what the result should be here, and see if it matches what R gives you:

result <- 1 + 2 * 3 - 4^2 / 2

6.4 Vectorized code

What is somewhat special to R is that operators typically work elementwise. What does it mean?

Let us make two vectors: x <- c(2, 3, 5) and y <- c(1, 1, 1). Both have 3 elements. We can add them, like this: z <- x + y, just as if they were single numbers. The resulting vector z also has 3 elements, and we can see that the first element of x was added to the first element of y to produce the first element of z, and so on. This makes R code extremely short and very fast!

The fact that we can operate on entire vectors like this is a huge asset to R, and it is important that you learn to make use of it. It is referred to as vectorized code.

6.5 Exercise - reverse vector

Create a vector x with the integers from 1 to 10. Subtract 11 from all elements in x, and then multiply all elements by -1. Store the result in y.

x <- ____
y <- (____) * ____

Notice the data types of x and y.

6.6 Recycling

What we saw in the above exercise is what is known as recycling in R. It is important to understand this, both because we make use of it, but also because it may cause some errors if you are not aware of it.

In order to use operators on two vectors, the vectors should in principle be of the same length, i.e have exactly the same number of elements. However, if you try to operate on two vectors of different lengths, R will in many cases (but not always) re-cycle the shorter one to make it the same length as the longer, and then perform the operation.

This is what we saw above: We tried to subtract a vector of 1 element (11) from a vector of 10 elements (x). This should not really be possible, but behind the scene R will copy the shorter vector 10 times, and then we can do the elementwise subtractions. This is not exactly how it is done, but it is how we should think of it! Anyway, we end up with a vector having the same number of elements as the longest. Notice that we were not warned about this!

Now, try to change the code slightly, replace x - 11 with x - c(11, 11, 11). Re-run this and see what happens.

6.7 Exercise - beer can design

We want to produce an ecological beer can, using as little aluminium as possible. Each beer can must have a cylindrical shape, and the volume of the beer can must always be 0.5 litres (\(500 cm^3\)). The amount of aluminium used is proportional to the surface area of the beer can, i.e. we want a beer can with as little surface area as possible, but still under the restriction that it must contain \(500cm^3\).

Make a script where you give a value to the can height (in cm), and then computes the radius of the cylinder from the volume-restriction. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is \(V=\pi r^2 h\) where \(r\) is the radius and \(h\) is the height. This means \(r=\sqrt{V/(\pi h)}\), and since the volume is always \(V=500\) you compute the radius for any given height.

Then you compute the surface-area of the corresponding beer can. The formula for the surface area of a cylinder is \(A = 2\pi r^2 + 2\pi rh\) where \(r\) is the radius and \(h\) is the height.

The constant \(\pi\) is already defined and is named pi in R.

Make a vector of different heights, and compute a vector of areas. Find approximately the optimal ecological beer can height by first using the function which.min() on the computed areas, and then use this result to print the optimal height.

volume <- 500
height <- seq(from=1, to=30, by=0.1)
radius <- (volume / (pi * height))^(0.5)
area <- 2 * pi * radius^2 + 2 * pi * radius * height
cat("Optimal height is", height[which.min(area)], "\n")

7 R packages

A main idea in R is that code for different purposes are grouped into packages that you may or may not install. When you install R you get a set of base packages that contain some basic functionality that we all need. All we have seen so far are in these packages. This makes the basic R installation comparatively small.

In addition to the base-packages there is a plethora of other R-packages that you may install. Each package typically contains a collection of functions and data related to some topic. Some packages are huge, but most are smallish, containing a few functions. Many packages depend on other packages, and in order to make it work you need to install all the dependencies as well. The main repository for such packages is CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network. They maintain a database of R packages satisfying certain quality requirements.

7.1 Installing R packages

From RStudio it is very simple to install R packages, and here is a short video on how to.

You typically install a package once, but you may need to update it from time to time. Under the Tools-menu in RStudio you find a Check for Package Updates…

7.2 Loading R packages

In order to start using it, the package must be loaded. This is done by the library() command, e.g. if you have installed the package MASS, you load it by having library(MASS) in your code. This must be done once every R session, and for this reason it is a good habit to place such library() statements at the top of each script where the package is used. It doesn’t matter if you load it more than once.


  • We install a package once
  • We load the package each time we use it

7.3 Exercise - install tidyverse

Packages can be bundled together into larger collections, and the tidyverse is an example of this, containing several packages sharing a common coding-philosophy. Instead of installing all these packages one by one we install tidyverse as if it was one package.

  • Install the tidyverse-packages on your computer.

There will typically be a lot of output in the Console during installation. If it succeeds, you should be able to load the package by typing library(tidyverse) in the Console window.

Tomorrow we will start using the tidyverse packages.

8 R Markdown

R Markdown lets us write reports mixing explanatory text, R code and output such as tables and figures. The generation of the report from the Rmd source document is called knitting. It helps make your research reproducible: You can modify and refine your Rmd document, then easily re-knit. This also makes it easy for collaborators, supervisors or teachers to suggest fixes or refinements to your work.

8.1 Exercise - Knit the sample R Markdown document

RStudio > File > New File > R Markdown…, press OK and click the Knit button.

After a few seconds, an HTML report pops up in the RStudio Viewer pane. Once you’ve admired the report, look at the sample Rmd file in more detail to see the codes that specify headings, etc.