School of Economics and Business
Eirik Romstad Professor
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Per Kristian Rørstad (2008): Essays on the Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Policy Options. Current position: Research fellow, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Kenneth Løvold Rødseth (2011): Treatment of undesirable outputs in production analysis: Desiarble modeling strategies and applications. Current position: , Transport Economics Institute (TØI), Norway.
Kidanemariam Abreha Gebretsadik (2020): Demand Side Implications for Irrigation Management and Policies. Current position: Staff member, Department of Economics, Mekelle University.
Kine Josefine Aurland-Bredesen (2020): The optimal management of catastrophic risk. Current position: Post Doc, School of Econmics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Miria Nakamya (2022): Bioenergy and sustainable development in developing countries. Current position: Assistant professor, Makerere University Business School.
Gebretsadik, K.A.& E.Romstad (2020): Climate and farmers’ willingness to pay for improved irrigation water supply. World Development Perspectives 20. (Download from ScienceDirect).
Romstad, E. & G. Stokstad (2019): Land lease at the extensive and intensive margins. Ch. 12 (pp. 247-262) in Olaussen, J.O. (ed.): Contributions in natural resource economics – Festschrift to Anders Skonhoft, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, Norway.
Liland, A., Y. Tomkiv, D. Oughton, S. Navrud, E. Romstad & L. Skuterud (2017): The power of collaborative deliberation in stakeholder dialogue seminars. Journal of Risk Research 20(11):1-25. (Download from Taylor Francis)
Barton, D.N., T. Andersen, O. Bergland, A. Engebretsen, S.J. Moe, G.I. Orderud, K. Tominaga, E. Romstad & R.D. Vogt (2016): Eutropia: Integrated Valuation of Lake Eutrophication Abatement Decisions Using a Bayesian Belief Network. In Niel, Z. P. (Ed.) Handbook of Applied Systems Science, Ch. 14, pp. 297-320.. Routledge, New York and London. DOI: 10.4324/9781315748771.ch14 ( Download from Routhledge)
Rødseth, K. & E. Romstad (2014): Environmental Regulations, Producer Responses, and Secondary Benefits: Carbon Dioxide Reductions under the Acid Rain Program. Environmental and Resource Economics 59(1):111-135 (Download from SpringerLink).
Abu-Hatab, A. & E. Romstad (2014): Competitiveness analysis of Egyptian cotton exports with special focus on the Chinese market. China Agricultural Economic Review. 6(2):248-263 (Download from Emerald).
Romstad, E. (2014): The economics of eutrophication. Ch. 4 (pp. 45-53) in Ansari, A. & S.S. Gill (eds): Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences and Control, Vol. 2. Springer (Download from Springer).
Romstad, E., M. Boman & H. Lindhjem (2012): Low cost approaches for managing biological diversity in Nordic forests: The applicability of procurement auctions. Report 2012:6, Expert Group for Environmental Studies, Swedish Ministry of Finance, Stockholm, Sweden. (Download from the Expert Group for Environmental Studies).
Hatab, A.A., E. Romstad & X. Huo (2010): Determinants of Egyptian Agricultural Exports: A Gravity Model Approach. Modern Economy 1(3):129-133. (Download from Modern Economy).
Ladegård, G. & E. Romstad (2010): Understanding the demand side and coordinating the supply side for connected goods and services. Apstract: Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce 4(1-2):17-23. (Download from AgEcon Search).
Pérez Domínguez, I., I. Bezlepkina, T. Heckelei, E. Romstad, A. Oude Lansink & A. Kanellopoulos (2009): Capturing market impacts of farm level policies: a statistical extrapolation approach using biophysical characteristics and farm resources. Environmental Science and Policy 12(5):588-600. (Download from ScienceDirect).
Romstad, E. (2008): The Informational Role of Prices. European Review of Agricultural Economics 35(3):263-280.(Download from Oxford University Press).
Hansen, L. & E. Romstad (2007): Nonpoint Source Regulation - A Self-Reporting Mechanism. Ecological Economics 62(3-4):529-537. (Download from RepEc).
Vatn, A. , L. Bakken, M.A. Bleken, O.H. Baadshaug, H. Fykse, L.E. Haugen, H. Lundekvam, J. Morken, E. Romstad, P.K. Rørstad, A.O. Skjelvåg & T. Sogn (2006): A methodology for integrated economic and environmental analysis of pollution from agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 88:270-293. (Download from Science Direct).
Bergland, O., R. Ready & E. Romstad (2006): Differentiating at the Speed of Light in a Universe of Trees and Moose. In Aronsson, T., R. Axelsson & R. Brännlund (eds.): The Theory and Practice of Environmental and Resource Economics - Essays in Honor of Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, pp. 202-224. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Romstad, E. (2005): Environmental policies for changing times. Editorial Joural of Forest Economics 11(3):123-124 (editorial).
Turpin, N., P. Bontems, G. Rotillon, I. Bärlund, M. Kaljonen, S. Tattari, F. Feichtinger, P. Strauss, R. Haverkamp, M. Garnier A. LoPorto, G. Benigni, A. Leone, M.N. Ripai, O-M. Eklo, E. Romstad, T. Bioteau, F. Birgand, P. Bordenave, R. Laplana, J-M. Lescot, L. Piet & F. Zahm (2005): AgriBMPWater: systems approach to environmentally acceptable farming. Environmental Modelling & Software 20(2):187-196. (Download from ScienceDirect)
Romstad, E. (2004): Policies for Promoting Public Goods in Agriculture. In Brouwer, F. (ed.), Sustaining Agriculture and the Rural Environment: Governance, Policy and Multifunctionality, pp. 56-77. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Fykse, H., K. Semb Tørresen & E. Romstad (2004): Production Systems and Plant Protection Requirements in Cereals: a Model Analysis of Long-term effects. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B: Soil and Plant Science 54:149-160.
Romstad, E. (2003): Team Approaches to Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution. Ecological Economics 47(1):71-78. (Download from Science Direct).
Hasler, B., E. Romstad & J.S. Schou (2003): The complexity of modelling farmers' provision of landscape goods in a multifunctional setting. In Brandt, J. & H. Vejre (eds.), Multifunctional Landscapes: Monitoring, Diversity and Management, pp. 163-182. WIT Press, Southampton, England.
Lundekvam, H., E. Romstad & L. Øygarden (2003): Agricultural Policies in Norway and Effects on Soil Erosion. Environmental Science and Policy 258:57-67.
Romstad, E. (2002): The Provision of Public Goods - Sending the Right Price Signals. In Clinch, P., K. Schlegelmilch, R-U. Sprenger & U. Triebswetter (eds.), Greening the Budget: Budgetary Policies for Environmental Improvement, pp. 183-194. Edward Elgar Publishers, Aldershot, England.
Romstad, E. (2001): Forestry and the Environment. Editorial, Journal of Forest Economics 7(2):99-100.
Romstad, E., A. Vatn, P.K. Rørstad & V. Søyland (2000): Multifunctional Agriculture - Implications for Policy Design Report No 21/2000, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway (currently: Department of Economics and Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. (Download from NMBU, 1.6 MB, 18 + 140 pages).
Romstad, E. & H. Folmer (2000): Green Taxation. In Folmer, H. & H.L. Gabel (eds.), Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics: A Guide for Students and Decision-Makers 2nd ed., pp. 529-563. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK.
Romstad, E. (2000): Theoretical Considerations Regarding the Effectiveness of Environmental Policy Instruments. In Sterner, T. (ed.) Environmental Implications of Market Based Policy Instruments, pp. 49-64. Edward Elgar Publishers, Aldershot, England.
Vatn, A., L.R. Bakken, P. Botterweg & E. Romstad (1999): ECECMOD: An interdisciplinary system for analyzing nutrient and soil losses from agriculture. Ecological Economics 30(2):189-205.
Romstad, E. (1999): Theoretical Considerations Regarding Environmental Indicators. In Brouwer, F.M. & B. Crabtree (eds.), Environmental Indicators and Agricultural Policy, pp. 13-23. CAB International, Oxon, UK.
Botterweg, P., R. Leek, E. Romstad & A. Vatn (1998): EUROSEM-GRIDSEM Modelling System for Erosion Analysis under Different Natural and Economic Conditions. Ecological Modelling 108(1):115-129.
Romstad, E. (1998): Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness. In Barker, T. & J. Köhler (eds.), International Competitiveness and Environmental Policies, pp. 185-196. Edward Elgar Publishers, Aldershot, England.
Botterweg, P, R. Leek, E. Romstad & A. Vatn (1998): Erosion control under different economic conditions. Soil Technology 46:31-49.
Vatn, A., L.R. Bakken, P. Botterweg, H. Lundeby, E. Romstad, P.K. Rørstad, & A. Vold (1997): Regulating Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agriculture: An Integrated Modelling Analysis. European Review of Agricultural Economics 24(2):207-229.
Romstad, E. & O. Bergland (1997): Manipulation of Emission Permit Markets. In Nau, R., E. Grønn M. Machina & O. Bergland (eds.), Economic and Environmental Risk and Uncertainty, pp. 75-86. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Romstad, E., J.W. Simonsen & A. Vatn (1997): Mineral Emissions - An Introduction. In Romstad, E., J.W. Simonsen & A. Vatn (eds.), Controlling Mineral Emissions in European Agriculture: Economics, Policies and the Environment, pp. 1-9. CAB International, Oxon, UK.
Romstad, E., A. Vatn, L. Bakken & P. Botterweg (1997): Eco-Eco Modelling: The Case of Nitrogen. In Romstad, E., J.W. Simonsen & A. Vatn (eds.), Controlling Mineral Emissions in European Agriculture: Economics, Policies and the Environment, pp. 225-249. CAB International, Oxon, UK.
Botterweg, P., L. Bakken & E. Romstad (1994): Nitrate Leaching from Agricultural Soils: Ecological Modelling under Different Economic Constraints. Ecological Modelling 75/76:359-369.
Romstad, E. & P.K. Rørstad (1994): Expected Profits and Information Under Uncertainty. In Machina, M.J. & B.R. Munier (eds.), Models and Experiments on Risk and Rationality, pp. 275-288. Theory and Decision Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam.
Updated: January 25, 2025
Eirik Romstad
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