Handouts for :
Statistical methods in forensic genetics. Train the trainers Workshop 7-10 October 2013

Note added April 23.04.2015: Please check the homepage for the April 20-23 2015 EUROFORGEN-Noe course for updated information; some of the material below is obsolete.

Niels Morling niels.morling@sund.ku.dk organises the course on behalf of EUROFORGEN-NoE.
The complete program for the course is
here. Links to lecture notes, exercises, solutions and software follow below.


Assistance for installation will be provided by the teachers at the workshop if needed; the teachers can also be contacted using the email addresses provided below. Note that installation is typically only possible if you are administrator on your laptop. Participants must bring a reasonably fast laptop with the following applications installed:

o  Familias 2.0 (same as 1.97, http://familias.name/ ) Thore.Egeland@umb.no (program developed by Mostad and Egeland)

o  Familias 3.0 http://arken.umb.no/~theg/Copenhagen2013/Familias3.exe
See http://familias.no for updates and further documentation daniel.l.kling@gmail.com (developer)

o  FamLink (http://www.famlink.se/) daniel.l.kling@gmail.com (developer)

o  FamLinkX (zipped folder with FamLinkX) daniel.l.kling@gmail.com (developer)

o  R (http://cran.r-project.org/) Oskar.Hansson@fhi.no (the core of R is developed by a group of people)

o  forensim (http://forensim.r-forge.r-project.org/) Oskar.Hansson@fhi.no (forensim developed by Hinda Haned)


Program with links to handouts

Day 1: Monday, 7 October 2013
14:00-17:00 Preliminaries (Thore Egeland)

Principles, paternity index, LR, W, Bayes theorem on odds form.
Material for Monday and Tuesday before lunch:
lecture notes, exercises, Familias input files for exercises, solutions

Day 2: Tuesday, 8 October 2013
09:00-12:30 Kinship cases (Thore Egeland)
Theta correction, mutation, silent alleles, complex pedigrees.
Demonstration of the computer programme Familias 2.0.
Some links to videos explaining Familias and the exercises are here .

13:30-17:00 Familias extensions (Daniel Kling)
Simulations, DVI module and new mutation model.
Demonstration of the computer programme Familias 3.0.
Exercises (computer required)
Material for Tuesday (after lunch):
lecture notes, exercises (solutions) and DVI-video

Day 3: Wednesday, 9 October 2013
09:00-12:30 Linkage and linkage equilibrium (Daniel Kling)
Linked markers, X chromosomal markers.
Demonstration of the computer programmes FamLink and FamLinkX.
Exercises (computer required)
Material for Wednesday (before lunch):
lecture notes, FamLink exercises (solutions)

13:30-17:00 DNA mixtures. Introduction to R, forensim and LRmix (Guro Doerum and Oskar Hansson)
Exercises (pen and pencil and computer)
Presentations for Wednesday (after lunch) and Thursday from Oskar:
Material for exercises is here .
Lecture notes (with exercises and solutions included) from Guro are here for Wednesday (after lunch) and Thursday
and there are some LRmix files for the exercises.

Day 4: Thursday, Oct 10 2013
More on forensim and LRmix. (Oskar Hansson and Guro Doerum)
Further demonstration of the computer programme forensim and LRmix.
ISFG recommendations
Final discussion and summary (Thore Egeland)
12:30-14:00 Lunch and departure.