School of Economics and Business
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
ecn375 - ecn275 + applications (spring 2025)
ecn375/376 home
12.12.24: Important dates (additional to ECN 275):
Wednesday February 19: Information meeting on the term paper (final 15 minutes of ECN 275 exercise session)
Tuesday April 19 + Wednesday April 20: Presentation of draft versions of term papers.
Saturday May 31: Deadline for handing in term papers
12.12.24: These course pages will be further updated before the term starts. The structure of the course will be simlar to that of the spring term '24. Please note that this course extends into the first day of the June term to allow for more work on the term papers (50% o the grade in ECN 375, 100% of the grade in ECN 376).
ECN 376 - NMBU course catalogue" Course description (new window) - the applications part of this course (for students who have taken ECN 275 and passed)
Useful hints
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... on search options like Google Scholar and J-store, how to work on modern word processors when writing term papers or theses, creating pdf files etc.: useful hints (new window).