School of Economics and Business
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
ecn275/375 - Natural resource and environmental economics (spring 2025)
ecn275/375 home
12.12.24: The schedule is updated for spring '25.
Contents of specific lectures to be updated as the semester progresses. Other files on this site will be updated
around January 10.
12.12.24: First day of lectures: Wednesday January 29, room T 434 (4th floor Tower bldg.)
12.12.24: Test 1: Friday March 7, 12:15-15:15, Test 2: Wednesday April 8, 12:15-15:15.
12.12.24: Recommended text book: Perman, R., Y. Ma, M. Common, J. McGilvray & D. Maddison (2014): Natural resource and environmental economics, (4th. edition) Addison Wesley, Harlow, UK. It is the only close to comprehensive book at this level in the course subject area, and will serve as a good reference book for later work in this area.
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